
Saturday, 2 June 2012

Jubilee Saturday- Expectancy

Well, as you will have gathered from my posts over the last few weeks I have been looking forward to the jubilee celebrations for weeks.
My mother loved the Royal Family, and it has been ingrained in me over many years of the importance of both the royal family, and of celebrating these moments.
This weekend I wanted to pass this sense of significance to my own family, of them experiencing a moment in history.
So, we went to London, to soak in the atmosphere, to be there for part of the weekend. We were fortunate to stay near Westminster bridge, and wandered down to view in preparation for the Pageant on Sunday.

The sky was grey, but people were already there, wanting to be part of what was happening tomorrow, the signs on the lampost flapping in the breeze to announce the bridge would be closed.

We left and went to a festival. Finally the sun broke through.

Red, white and blue was everywhere, we sang, we smiled, we watched.

A meal followed, the bright colours continued.

A journey home, and more sights of London, a feeling of expectancy and waiting for the events ahead.

Even the wheel lit in the night sky was red, white and blue.

We were ready for the Pageant....


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