
Thursday, 6 December 2012


a fews years ago, listed under the top 50 best food blogs in my sunday supplement magazine, i read about a blog called orangette. i can't remember what number it was. suffice to say the write up sounded right up my street so i googled and have been following molly's blog ever since. as with a lot of bloggers she shared on her page a list of blogs she followed. being new to blog reading at the time i had a look at the others she was recommending, one them was habit. habit struck a chord with it's simplicity. one photo of your day, not staged, along with 30 words or less to describe it. the ones i loved were when the image and words didn't match at all, somehow there was magic there. i started following habit too. when i logged on on 1 july 2010 there was a message to all habit followers. emily and molly had opened a flickr pool, they invited all who followed habit to turn contributers. i opened a flickr account there and then. that month i uploaded images most days, enjoying the challenge of looking at the everyday in a different way and giving it voice. the penultimate day of the month brought a squeal of delight. i logged on to find one of my images had been selected and published. me. my image. i was amazed to be included amongst these accomplished women who i had been following for over a year. to me it was an honour to be able to upload in the flickr pool let alone be selected for the blog. 2011 they did the same and opened the pool in november. that time i had two images selected. 2012 guess what? they did it again. this year i had seven images selected and published. this to me has been somewhat mind blowing. i thought i'd give you a round-up here but please, i urge you, check out the other images at habit. it's amazing how sometimes the simplest of ideas are the most effective.

3 november 

the sun shone all day, it made me feel so much better. the to-do list got done. there is snow on the hills.

5 november

it's been a day of excitement and coincidences. these next few weeks are going to be good. i can feel it.

7 november

at choir practice we sang carols for the first time. somehow it doesn't seem too early.

10 november

it was our first weekend away together, just us girls. turning the corner we entered jules verne's world.

13 november

i fought back tears in the car and the shop. i should have cried them yesterday. grief doesn't work that way. you'd think after ten years i'd know.

21 november

i know i'll enjoy it once i get there but right now the effort required seems monumental.

28 november

the day started with car trouble and ended with a compliment. i blushed. i really thought i'd grown out of that. 


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