
Sunday, 27 January 2013

Looking back

Last weekend I wrote about how I was going to try and live differently on a Sunday, and Monday I was able to post the pictures I had taken on the Sunday as I had wandered down the garden.

So how did the rest of the week go after having that period of stopping on Sunday? I'd like to say it was an easy week, one which I had just glided through after stopping on a Sunday. The fact is, life never goes to plan. There was a major crisis at work which caused added stress, plus out of work life seemed to be on permanent fast forward, and I struggled to keep up.
By Saturday I was exhausted. So- no difference then by doing things differently on Sunday? The difference was that last Sunday as I sat down to read the bible the words Isaiah 54 v10 leapt out at me.

' Though the mountains be shaken and the hills removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken, nor my covenant of peace removed' .

I'm struggling to take in what that 'covenant of peace' means, as doing everything in fast forward can mean I frequently lose sight of peace. But this week I've prayed around that, I want to claim that promise of a covenant of peace no matter if the mountains are shaken.

The other thing I've been aware of is the change in mindset. Yesterday I was already thinking about jobs that needed doing so I wouldn't have a list to-day. It's like a watering hole once a week; that I'm now just longing to get to. Last night Ellie said 'are we going to do this week what we did last Sunday Mum, I liked that'. That made me feel good, especially after stress levels being high at the end of the week.

The snow has now gone, and the heaviness of white in the sky has cleared to blue. On my kitchen windowsill a little bit of spring sits.

In their simplicity they are beautiful, but also a sign spring is coming. Out of living Sunday differently I can see a small breakthrough, a change in pace. This week I'm going to continue to circle in prayer that covenant of peace.


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