
Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Last year, new year

So, it's the 8 January and I'm only just getting round to reflect on 2013, what does that say?

I could write a whole piece on being too busy, no time for reflection etc, but really that's all excuses. The fact was that the end of the year just hurtled by, it seemed to happen on the fast forward button, and I've been left standing in the station of the new year waiting to board the train.

So what of 2013? It was the year in which I tried to learn not to hold on to tight to things, and reminded myself how to shake off responsibility and play. I read about how I did not have to be a good girl and perfect at everything (thank you Emily Freeman) This included fizz on a beach (on several occasions) pimms at the school fair and on a beach (before you start to think me learning how to play equals drinking alcohol, I can promise it was more than that) of getting my nails done, buying make up, going rowing on a Friday night with Em,BBQs and fireworks on a beach, starting piano lessons and most importantly stopping, playing games and reading on a Sunday to restore my soul.

However, there were also many times of feeling overwhelmed, tiredness to the point where I could not face anymore, of not putting in boundaries, and of flicking on a screen too much and sinking into the pool of never ending emails.

In summary 2013 was a year of opposites, of stepping out of my comfort zone and through that learning more, but also still not getting the daily balance right. In 2013 I also started running again. It's amazing what you can do if you set your mind to it and have a friend to run with. Saturday morning used to equal lie ins, this year I've got up and gone for a run, not far but it's a start. The thing about running is it's a bit of a pychological battle, sometimes the route is effortless and I feel like I could run forever, other times the same route can seem never ending and I wonder if I will make it round.

It always makes me think about how I approach my days, mental attitude can make such a difference. When Em and I started the blog we decided to call it 'whataredaysfor ' to help us reflect both on what we'd done, but also look for those small important gifts that can make such a difference to your day.

So what of 2014 ? Well I want my days to count, and to make the most of each day, knowing that some will be more of a battle than an other, but we get each day only once. Days are for making the most of what you have. In thinking about my one word for 2014 I'm going for hope, as I want to know more of what it means to have that in the core of my being, each day.

As we all try and get to grips and board that new year train I'm leaving you with a picture from one of my favourite places, and reminding myself again that it's always good to look up, not hold on tight and knowing that God has it all in hand already.


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