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Sunday, 28 October 2012

Extra hour

This morning I opened up my mail, and there was a marketing message from Fat Face, but the first sentence started 'What will you do with your extra hour to-day?' following the clock change last night.
It got me thinking. My normal reaction when the clocks change is to immediately think I can have an extra long lie in (the habits of a lazy English student have never left me).
This morning though I had to be up at 6, as it was farewell to a German exchange student who has been with us all week, so new time it is now only 10am, it feels already like it should be mid-day.
We all long for extra time and space in our lives- to-day we have the gift of an extra hour of time. So what will you fill it with? More jobs? sleep? Space to read and reflect? Spending time with friends and family?
As the darkness of autumn and winter draw in, this is the day of the gift of time, and I intend to make the most of it. To-day will not be filled with washing, and work, to-day I will enjoy the space, make the most of the calm and be thankful.


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